The health and well-being of our employees, customers, and communities are in the front of our minds as we all face the COVID-19 outbreak together.

To ensure the safety of our employees and customers we have moved most employees to remote work arrangements and have taken great care to follow guidelines provided by the CDC to ensure our workplace is safe and sanitary for our shipping and retail crews. 

We'll continue to process your online and phone orders with the speed and priority they deserve, but PLEASE BE PATIENT.  We are a bit backlogged and not able to move as fast as we'd like.  Our day-to-day processes have had to adjust in light of the on-going COVID-19 situation while also experiencing an increased call and order volume.  We're here for you and excited to help out with all of your cycling needs. A visit to our HELP DESK is the best place to start should you need assistance.


Here are some answers to common questions we've been receiving.

  • Website is OPEN. We are processing and shipping orders as usual.
  • Call Center is OPEN. Gear Advisors are available to take your calls (from the comfort of their homes). Thanks for your patience and expect a longer than normal hold time as call volume is high. Our team is doing our best to keep you pedaling.
  • Riverside Will-Call location is OPEN for curbside pick-up. Hours are limited and orders must be placed online before arrival. Please bring the card used for purchase and a photo ID. See details
  • Corona Retail Store is OPEN with limited hours and some restrictions. See details
  • Backorders are being processed.  We continue to receive shipments from vendors daily and are able to restock our shelves to fulfill your needs.
  • Returns are being accepted online. See details
  • Expect a DELAYED REFUND as we are running a lean crew and taking additional measures to ensure everybody’s safety.
  • An unprecedented surge in demand for bikes and bike parts has lead to a shortage of inventory in the supply chain. We are working closely with manufactures to source the gear you want as soon as possible. Read More
Corona Store Update
  • In-store sales only. No "In-Store Pick-Up" for website orders.
  • Fitting and restrooms are closed.
  • Test rides available when scheduled.
  • In-store returns accepted.
Riverside Store Update
  • Curbside pick-up available.  Orders must be placed online.
  • Fitting and restrooms are closed.
  • Test rides available by appointment only.
  • No in-store returns at this time.
  • No service at this time.

We're all in this together, and while we won't be seeing each other on group rides or cycling's annual events for a while, we wish you the best during this time.

For more information on how to be a safe cyclist during these times, check out these articles:

Cyclist Riding On The Road

How to Ride Safely Amid Coronavirus Concerns


While the coronavirus pandemic continues to spread, causing bike races—and many other large events—to be postponed and canceled, you might be wondering what you should do for your own personal health and how this could affect your training.

Cyclist In The City

Coronavirus Revealed our Systemic Weaknesses. Bike Infrastructure is One.


Amid the COVID-19 global pandemic and recommendations to practice “social distancing,” a growing number of people have taken themselves off public transit and out of cabs and ride-hailing cars and gotten onto bicycles.

Road Riding

Why Not Encourage Cycling During The Coronavirus Lockdown?


It’s an increasingly urgent question for those who still have to travel into work, or to collect supplies or visit vulnerable people – how can you get around without contracting – or spreading – the coronavirus? One answer could be cycling.

City Cyclists

Bicycling During The Coronavirus Pandemic


In much of the United States and probably much of the world, driving, and transit are down. Several U.S. cities are seeing higher numbers of bicycling during the past couple of weeks. New York City is reporting increased cycling and record bike-share usage. Chicago is experiencing a biking boom. Bike-share usage is also making a comeback in China.

Coronavirus Cycling In New York

Coronavirus Has Caused a Bicycling Boom in New York City


If there’s a silver lining to the COVID-19 pandemic — and let’s be real: we could all really use a win right now — it’s that there’s probably never been a better time to ride a bike in the Big Apple.

Road Cyclist Riding The Wrong Way

Need to Get Around in a Pandemic? Ride a Bike


As COVID-19 shuts down buses and trains in cities, we remember that bicycles are the ultimate contingency plan.

Keep Pedaling,

Jenson USA